Thursday, October 13, 2011

Facebook blunders...

Working 23 hours a week in retail has given me alot of time to sit down, reflect, and look at life.  And by that I mean, it's given me alot of time to log onto Facebook mindlessly for hours at a time and learn the life story of everyone on my friends list (sometimes even their friends lists if I am feeling extra ambitious).  Since graduating I have noticed many different things about the FB and the way myself and those around me use it:

-Once I have met you once, I feel like I have the grounds to friend request you.
-After I gain a new friend, I spend about 5 minutes thoroughly reading (stalking) their page then I don't visit their page for a long while.
-My mother tells me she doesn't have a default on her page because she "doesn't want anyone knowing her business."  My question...why have a Facebook?
-My father's page is just out of control, claiming himself as "employee of the month" (he has his own business where he works alone...).
-My grandmother has recently become addicted to FB, taking her ventures in CityVille very seriously and almost ending a lifelong friendship with her real life neighbor because the woman was being an awful police officer in her faux city.
- I find myself starting conversations at the bar based on a person's recent status update, most recently congratulating someone on her new car (which was her status earlier that day).
-I can't stand when profiles are private.  If we have at least one mutual friend I feel as if I should have access to your life, share the love!
-I hate when people spell things wrong in statuses.
-I am not shy about deleting comments, no one makes me look dumb on my own page.
-When people fill their profile picture album mostly with pictures of other people, I feel it should be prohibited.
-I love it when college freshman post their Thursday night pictures, it makes me LOL.
- I can never come up with witty picture captions but admire those who can.
-For a while I had an obsession with the "kissy face" pose in pictures.  I have recently detoxed myself from it.

And for everyone who says they are thinking about deleting their Facebook accounts, stop lying. You love it.

Til next time...

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