Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November woes...

November has come and gone and I have left all of you without a consistent post and for that I am sorry. 

Thanksgiving came and went too, wow how the time flies!  With the turkey came a heated battle in the Miller household...over where someone misplaced the ham glaze, leaving my sister hysterically crying for no reason and my parents at odds with each other for hours (this could or could not have been because my mom made my dad bare-handedly look through the trashcan..but I digress...). 

Along with Thanksgiving comes the 'night before' traditions as well.  While these are always fun, I found this year to be a bit different.  Maybe it was being home for MONTHS prior to the festivities instead of the "I just got home from school yesterday" feeling, but Lauren and I got ready for the night watching clips on YouTube...

As the month progressed I have also found myself hating the working world more and more.  Not MY working world (working 4 hours a day at the Workshop is actually cake believe it or not), but if you can imagine people actually have FULL TIME JOBS.  In this economy that blows my mind.  I have applied to so many places I need a Word document just to keep track of them all in case one calls me back.  And for what reason?  No one calls you back, no one e-mails you back, no one even gets into contact with you to ask WHY you are applying for jobs you aren't even qualified for (maybe I should change my blog to HYSTERICAL FOR HIRE becuase I need a salary that bad). 

Although me being depressed about no job did account for something....Chris bought me Just Dance for Kinect.  Dance dynamo? Check.  I may not have a job but J-Lo, eat your heart out.

Til next time...

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