Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good evening lovers...

Hey guys!! I know it's been a week and a day since I have visited and I know I have left you all high and dry but please don't think I have forgotten about you! 

So much has happened lately that I need to catch you all up on!  Later on down the road I might dedicate posts expanding on certain topics but for now, let me just list.

First of all, I have had a few different job leads!  I have come to know that good things take time so for now, I am just going through the motions.  I have had an interview, though, for a company that I would just die to work for (insert sigh here).  I won't go into TOO much detail for fear of jinxing myself but I will expand later if need be. (PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE HAVE NEEEEDDD BEEE!!!!)

On another totally different note, Chris' younger brother Conor won SWC's and CT State Opens this past month in the 113 weight class and I couldn't be happier for him.  I don't get the chance enough to verbalize how proud of him I am but he truely is an outstanding human being and everything a great competitor should be.  He has set NUMEROUS records for New Milford High School and has had a fantastic career up to this point.  Go Conor, you da man and whatever college you choose is more than lucky to have you :)

I have been trying to eat healthier!  When I say "try" I mean it is my second day so let's not get ahead of ourselves yet....I am still going through the phase where I can't resist the Girl Scout cookies if I walk by them but HEY, I am doing my best and they aren't AWFUL in moderation.............


The diet requires me to cut out processed things and stick to eating things that don't require my stomach to work as hard as it has been for the past 23 years of my life.  But so far so good!

23!  I forgot to add I recently had a birthday!  :) :) Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, beats birthdays.  It is the ultimate confidence booster because you are being reminded how much people love you for 24 hours straight!  Maybe that's why we have one every year, to remind us that there are people out there that enjoy you and appreciate you in their lives :)

Again, sorry for my absence and I promise to be around more.  I forgot how therapeutic it is to write!

Til next time...

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